Mum, Work & Play

I am a mum, who works and likes to play with my three great boys

It’s Not Peculiar, It’s Absolutely Normal!

If you have got two active boys like mine, I bet sometimes you wonder if everything is ok with them.  Do you get anxious about broken bones, bumps on the head, bruises and the works from their rough and tumble lifestyle?  They never cease to amaze me how they somersault off the sofa at the simplest of things or when every errand becomes an obstacle course.  It is fun watching them sometimes but sometimes the adrenalin is not infectious.  That is when I hear myself say “stop before you hurt yourself and don’t come crying to me”.  That sounds like a real party popper hey!

Normal As Normal Should Be

My husband always reminds me that their activeness is not peculiar to them; I guess he will know as he was equally active as a child.  Now the irony is when they are in school I miss them so, but as soon as they come back it’s tumbling all the way.  God help me, if they ask me to play along.   Come to think of it, my brother was quite active too as a child.  Maybe it’s in the genes and I just have to live with it until they wear themselves out… I wonder what age that will be?

Can a mother stop worrying about her kids?  I try to overlook a lot but at the same time you don’t want them to get injured and you bear the guilt for many years to come.  So where do you strike the balance with these active boys? Now that winter is officially here and they most likely will spend more days indoors than outdoors, I need to get my skates on and find other interesting things to occupy them.  Hopefully this will reduce the rough and tumble lifestyle and the sofa wear and tear!!!

Till a better next time and hopefully a less anxious me…Temi.